Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dr. Louis Turi...back in Tucson - at the Wilmot library MUFON meeting, Sat. 06/21/2008

Dr. Louis Turi discussing Divine Astrology and Astropsychology.

Dr. Turi’s Tucson Message:

"My trip to Tucson went just fantastic as usual and the room was packed with people waiting for me to lecture on the power of the subconscious and my four incredible UFO experiences. When I lecture time flys by so fast and even after the “questions” time people were still flocking around me with more questions. My presentation was very well understood and everyone received my message clearly especially when I did the predictions for America and the world using Senator Obama’s stars and fate.

You bet Mr. Obama for the sake of America and the all foreign nations...Many people were totally blown away not knowing how the stars of any President can and will mold the fate of his people and the country he runs. I explained in great details all possibility involved especially those involving his tragic end and nuclear development. Again all that you want to know about World Universal and Personal Predictions will be in my “Cosmic Code” newsletters and in my 2009 Moon Power when I manage to find the time to write it. The only hard part was outside signing tons of books on the back of my hummer. The Tucson Library does not allow any sales but regardless of the 112 or more degrees incredible neat people patiently waited for their turn. I always wear black when I lecture and trust me I really felt like melting outside. Indeed a phenomenal presentation that as usual will bring more work to me…"

With George Parks, camera man for The Cutting Edge tv program and Arizona State Director of MUFON/Mutual UFO Network - call 520-692-1233 or visit

With T.S. Minton Blogs contributor, artist Charla Gene.

Japanese UFO journalist Marie Ueda -, and Cutting Edge cohost Edward T. Martin, author of "King of Travelers, Jesus' Lost Years in India" - see also and

Cutting Edge loyal audience member Alvina Doyle

All photos by Charla Gene - All rights reserved.

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