Sunday, June 17, 2007

More pictures from the fabled "Meeting of the Lost Tribes of Loman"...
From The Cutting Edge cable TV show, 05/19/2007

The Cutting Edge founder and host Jim Rodger; co-host Kyle Dayton; UFOAZ and Off the Record founder Ted Loman; UFOAZ and Off the Record co-hosts Peggy Kane and Jim Nichols; and founder of Sacramento's UFO Connection (some videos archived here) and Journey Into the Paranormal, Ron Williams.

Ted Loman, Kyle Dayton and John I. Henry.
Photograph by Charla Genet.

Yours truly with Peggy Kane; she helped initiate me into my sole attempt at TV hosting (and I lived to tell the tale...circa January 2001).

From the right: Noelle Fojut and T.S. Minton Blogs regular Charla Genet.

Photographs by John I. Henry except where noted.

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